Yuichi Dozoe

18 He came to Kyoto from Nagasaki when he was old. Graduated from M I JAPAN Shibuya Vocal, a vocal college of music. While in attendance, I will attend a concert with the symphony X guitarist Michael Romeo and a seminar at Hollywood school. At the age of 20, he was found in the unicorn guitarist Teshima Isamu in YAMAHA’s tape audition, and studied under him. Experienced CD releases and tours across the country. Since 2010, with the reconstruction of Houseten Boss, we have created the Houseten Boss Support Song at the request of a citizens’ group in Sasebo. Hideo Sawada, then president (currently chairman of H.I.S.), remained in sight, announced at the opening party, and then decided to be H.I.S.’s national CM song. It becomes a topic as a collaborative CM with one piece. In the same year, we received a proposal for a live show performance of the original music at Housetenboss stadium, and since December 2010, we have held 10,000 stages for a total of 13 years. Since 2018, he has performed jointly at Super Sento Idol and Junten Concerts sponsored by Suzuki, an entertainment company. In charge of the first part of the concert for four years. It performs all of lyric composition, composition, arrangement, recording, design, costume production, and MV production alone. It has a lot of fans who are enthusiastic about families and middle-aged and elderly people, with the help of the band sounds from live houses to the stage-setting microphone performances and the amplitude cultivated in the theme park of heartful songs. A solo musician from Housetenboss.