Tsukushi jogakuen high school dance club

In 2016, 10 high school students who love dancing gathered to launch the club. In 2021, the club was promoted to a department activity, and in 2022, it grew to become a club activity with more than 90 members. We practice daily for summer tournaments, the Shimaen Festival (Cultural Festival), school briefings, local festivals, dance festivals, official winter games, and new combat. “Students who “”like dancing”” gather to train their mental and technical bodies.” <Major events from FY2022 to FY2023> The winner of the 7th Kyushu Student Dance Championship held by the Kyushu Student Dance Championship: The winter of the 8th Kyushu Student Dance Championship Spring of the Kyushu Student Dance Championship: The 9th Kyushu Student Dance Championship The fifth Japanese High School Dancing Championship Championships sponsored by the All Japan High School Dancing Championships participated in the 13th All Japan High School Team Dancing Championships in Kyushu < Major events that appeared > SUNS Home Championships Half-time Shows Participated in Queen Beetle CM Photography (sponsored by JR Kyushu) Participated in the Softbank Hawks Support Club General Meeting (sponsored by Kyushu Student Dancing Association) Fukuoka Prefectural Citizen’s Festival 2023 (sponsored by Kyushu Student Dancing Association) 2023 Central Citizen Center Cultural Festival (sponsored by Fukuoka City Chuo Ward Citizen Center) and many other events