Sachiko Yukino

Since his childhood, he has been active in various genres, including musicals, jazz, and gospel, and made his national debut in 2011. It has been taken up by various media, mainly in the local areas of Fukuoka and Kyushu, and is involved in many corporate CM songs and movies. Between 2014 and 2017, the company was based in Tokyo. It performed a wide range of activities, including a TVCM song by Pocari Sweat and a chorus by Naotaro Moriyama and a rock musical appearance at Fuji TV’s MUSIC FAIR. Since 2017, the company has been returning to Fukuoka with the aim of revitalizing entertainment in local Fukuoka, and in addition to its own activities, it has been working on multiple programs, including radio personality, voice trainers, and professional school instructors. A singer songwriter who will lead the next generation, combining a well-developed singing voice with excellent singing ability.