Risa MAKUO & Shigata-Midori

A special Christmas Advent collaboration stage by soprano singers Risa Kyokuo and Midori Shikata. Born in kagoshima Prefecture. Graduated from the Faculty of Music, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, studied under Uwe Heilmann, Miwako Matsumoto, Titianna Ducati, and Tatsuya Takahashi. Since moving from Tokyo to Fukuoka City with his family in 2011, he has been active in a wide range of fields, from opera and classical concerts to event performances, mainly in Fukuoka, with bright and friendly characters. He is also a member of Onpal, a non-profit organization, and performs and hosts musical classes, concerts, and distribution programs for children who are forced to be hospitalized due to illness. She also recorded theatrical music produced by her husband, composer Tomokatsu O. Born in munakata City, shikata midori Midori Shikata. Graduated from the Music Course of the Lifelong Art Course at Fukuoka University of Education, and completed the Graduate School of Performance at the same university. After working as an instructor at a prefectural high school, he went to Italy (Milano) and l’Arte del Belcanto di Lugano to study under Mr. Luciana Serra. She has studied vocal music under Shoko Oya, Eriko Hashimoto, Naoshi Hara, Mariko Hayashi, Akiko Kono, and Luciana Serra. He has also completed master classes in the Summer International Music Academy of the Mozarteum College of Music, the Summer International Music Academy of Cagliari, and APM Vocal Technique and Interpretation of Ancient Music at the Academy of Music of Salzzo. He was selected for the final round of the 66th All Japan Student Music Competition. Selected for the general division of the 22nd Japan Classical Music Competition. He has performed with the pipe organ at the Hotel Nikko Chapel Prière subscription concert and as a soloist in Bach’s “Matthew Passion,” “John Passion,” “Christmas Oratorio,” Handel’s “Messiah,” and Beethoven’s “Ninth. Performed with the yomiuri japan symphony orchestra in 2013. In 2018, 2019, he performed in concerts at churches in Italy (Milan, Florence, Cagliari) and Germany (Bautzen, Köten). He is currently based in Fukuoka, Japan, where he performs and teaches, as well as educational activities and choir voice trainers at schools.