Fumiko yanase

He was born in Fukuoka Prefecture. She began singing at NHK Children’s Choir MIRAI and graduated from Katsusui Women’s University with a degree in vocal music. During his studies, he studied briefly in Munich and Mühldorf, Germany. He later completed the Master’s Program in Music (Opera) at Showa College of Music. She studied vocal music with Mieko Nagayoshi, Yuko Amagasaki, Marie Igarashi, and operatic performance with D.Mazzora, who is deputy conductor of La Scala. He has performed at the 84th Nagasaki Symphony Orchestra Subscription Concert conducted by Masanori Mikawa. In 2018 and 2022, he performed with the Kyushu Symphony Orchestra at Across Fukuoka Symphony Hall. He is currently a member of the West Japan Opera Association and the Nagasaki New Performers Association, and is active in Tokyo, Fukuoka, and Nagasaki. He has appeared in many operas and concerts. In recent years, he has also been active outside of the operatic stage in plays, musicals, TVCM and YouTube. He is also active in training future generations through Kansai Collection Entertainment and Stardust Promotion, as a voice trainer for models and celebrities, and as a mentor for Nakamura Gakuen University’s “Crystal Harmony”. He has also been a member of the ambassador Miss Win2017 Kanagawa, a PR of Japanese wines.