
From his childhood in Fukuoka Prefecture, he played an active role in a number of stages, including the theater team Shiki ‘ Lion King. ‘ Major debut selected as Grand Prix from among 10000 recochoku auditions. “EndlessRoad,” which has become a hot topic in collaborating with Tekken’s created animation movie “”Pendulum,”” recorded smash hits, and is currently on long sales as a wedding song.” Its strong singing voice is enthusiastically admired and performs a national recitation at numerous events. The singing voice that wraps the listener in tears is called ‘ the trembling singing voice of the soul. ‘ Beginning in 2022, the company announced songs on the themes of “connections with people” and “self-qualities” while carrying out activities that appeal to people in nature and the local community, such as performing camp festivals and talking about ukulele playing in children’s cafeterias. In 2023, he welcomed Mr. EIGO(ONElyInc, who is engaged in many big artists, as a producer, and is scheduled to release three single-part works every other month in a row.