Vocal duo with “1/f Yuragi” The vocal unit consisting of Goshi Miyada and Kazuya Tada, two finalists “EXILE Presents Vocal Battle Audition2-To Young People with Dreams” held in 2010. Kiyoshi Matsuo, who is the leading player in the R&B scene in Japan and is involved in EXILE “Lovers Again and Ti Amo, as well as in composing, composing and producing lyrics such as Toshinobu Kubota and JUJU, highly praised their talents as “the charms of two singers who can actually send out the music they wanted to listen to” and made a major debut at Matsuo Kiyoshi Sound’s 2011 Matsuo Key /White Lies. BREATHE means “breathing.” It has the meaning of ‘ singing and breathing keep singing with the intention of making the same meaning. ‘ With the debut song “Matching key /White Lies”, the company will carry out live performances nationwide in 2012, mainly on street ribs and event performances, and achieve sales of 10000 CDs. “In 1st cover album “”Lovers’ Voices ~ Kiyoshi Matsuo Works COVER BEST ~”” released in 2013, he was ranked eighth in the Oricon.” His debut was the first man to TOP10 a cover album. He participated in the “3rd Hong Kong Asia Pop Music Festival” held in Hong Kong the same year as the representative of Japan, and subsequently held the first-ever national live house tour in the name of an album, achieving a soldout of 39 performances at 25 locations nationwide.