
He was born in Kumamoto Prefecture. Standing on the stage from the time of elementary school, she delivers songs. After five years of music activities in Fukuoka, he went to Tokyo in October 2023. In Fukuoka, he started living with music only from the age of 22. At Kasuyoshi-bashi Bridge in Nakasu, there was a day where the live concert was held on the street every day and sang eight hours a day. In addition, he has made Happy a person who meets with his favorite poems and musicians, such as a tour of seven cities nationwide and a tour on the Kyushu street by Hitchhike, a wandering of Southeast Asia and South Asia, and a walk from 47 prefectures. In July 2023, we held our first Hall One Man at the Citizens’ Center in Fukuoka City. The venue was overcrowded and very successful. Not only live houses but also nursery schools, elementary schools, junior high schools, orphanages, adult ceremonies, children’s dining halls, obstetrics and gynecology, hospice, meditation events, Marche, Shitake plantation, strawberry farm, restaurants, Bar, inns, shrines, weddings, wedding ceremonies, shopping malls, outdoor festivals, cruise ships, and other such events reach the hearts straight into the hearts of all listeners, with their sincere thoughts. ▼CM Song “Private Life” Toyota Corolla Fukuoka “Tunagar” Toyota Corolla Yamaguchi “Lalala” Yamaguchi Flower Land “One-Time Life” Kumamoto Asahi Broadcasting